Should You Hire a Baby Nurse?

Becoming a parent or welcoming a new baby is often as stressful as it is joyful. The first few weeks and months at home with a newborn can be hectic and exhausting. This can take a toll on new moms, those with other young children, as well as those still recovering from a difficult delivery or a C-section.
Hiring a baby nurse can take a tremendous burden off of new moms, as well as dads who feel they can’t provide the nurturing their wives and new babies need. Many experienced parents will hire a baby nurse because they feel more relaxed having an expert nearby – and appreciate being able to get some much-needed rest.
A baby nurse is an expert in newborn care who supports parents in caring for their infants during the first few weeks or months at home. Although they are called baby nurses, they may or may not be licensed or registered nurses with medical training. However, they have expertise in infant care and development, including feeding, sleep-training, CPR, managing multiples, and treating the special needs of preemies or babies with medical conditions.
Most baby nurses stay with your family for a period of two weeks to three months to give you enough time to master the basics of infant care. You may hire someone to work a 12-hour day or night shift or to care for your newborn 24 hours a day. Your baby nurse can handle feeding, changing, bathing, playing with and calming your baby to give you time to run errands, take care of other children, or rest. Some baby nurses also specialize in sleep training.
If you are considering hiring a baby nurse, be sure to allow plenty of time to find and select the ideal candidate for your family. In the New Jersey/New York area, skilled baby nurses may be booked up as much as six months in advance. Some parents choose to work with an agency that screens its employees, including running background checks and getting reliable references. You might also ask for recommendations from friends or family or consult your pediatrician.
Whether you use an agency or hire a private individual, make sure you match your candidate to your family’s needs. Discuss the baby nurse’s experience and caregiving style, and check all of their references after your initial interview. A good agency will also be interviewing you to ensure the baby nurse is a perfect fit with your lifestyle and expectations.
Many parents and agencies prefer to hire highly skilled, trained professionals who have a thorough knowledge of the latest standards of newborn care. Dorson Vocational Training Institute offers a comprehensive Baby Nurse training course that covers all aspects of baby care – from bathing techniques, feeding, and sleep patterns to infection prevention and techniques to use in case of choking, bleeding, and poisoning. We are fully licensed by the State of New Jersey and our courses are certified by The National Health Association.
If you are interested in becoming a baby nurse or want to learn more about our healthcare classes and programs, call us at 973-676-6300 or click here to fill out our online form.